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Title Author Reply/View  Last replied 
New Arduino lib & programmer manual released(2017, updated 2023 Aug.) Service 2016-02-09 6 / 12068 2018-03-07 20:16:12 by Service
DS(Digole Serial Display) Manual, Library for some different micro-controllers Administrator 2013-12-31 0 / 32859
Free online tool to convert image file to u8glib font Service 2015-10-13 16 / 37191 2018-04-25 11:12:03 by satyen
Users' contribution Administrator 2015-03-28 0 / 5239
Multi-choice list available on our site now. find ideal display easier Service 2022-04-21 0 / 935
Upgrade/Reset firmware Service 2016-12-17 2 / 6238 2017-11-06 21:29:22 by Shaeto
Let Digole Serial Display work with ESP8266 at I2C Service 2017-01-12 1 / 8832 2018-01-02 23:57:57 by creahard
Possibility of Downgrading To V5 jz1354 2024-05-07 0 / 301
connector for 4.3" serial display shalongbasi 2024-02-21 1 / 395 2024-02-22 17:04:03 by Service
Large display menu builder Orionis 2023-10-06 1 / 599 2023-10-09 15:47:21 by Service
Help (example) to load a jpg to flash memory Orionis 2023-07-21 1 / 593 2023-07-24 13:39:42 by Service
800x480 display: Screen_Over_511 Orionis 2023-07-23 1 / 663 2023-07-24 13:53:20 by Service
Firmware upgrade from 3.9c to 4.2V or 5.0V fails peekay123 2023-06-14 2 / 617 2023-06-22 15:03:43 by peekay123
4.3" Display - odd behaviour when filled rectangles are drawn to the perimeter of the screen. MoonWatcher 2022-12-30 4 / 864 2022-12-31 08:06:12 by MoonWatcher
Unable to use display without being connected to the computer jp320 2022-12-21 2 / 826 2022-12-22 11:38:28 by jp320
4.3" serial display 2022-07-18 1 / 883 2022-07-28 13:22:05 by Service
160x128 Color LCD Python Drivers jethornton 2018-11-01 4 / 3320 2019-10-08 18:54:04 by AbelGill
Font code 123 (and making a similar 7 segment font for digits) Andystan 2021-10-21 2 / 1234 2022-02-18 15:51:03 by Andystan
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