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1.8 true color, UART won't get the code to run on display

I´m using spark fun pro micro board 5v and hooked it up to digole 1.8" OLED and wanna use UART.

The connections:





The OLED starts up and runs the start up screen, but the sample code I uploaded won't run. I used the samlpe code from digole. It compiles and everything seems to be fine but nothing happens. To get the OLED to show a just simple "Hello World" would make me a very happy man! =)

Should I change anything in the sample code?

MacBook OSX 10.9.5

Ardoino IDE 1.0.6

Thanks //Rasmus

RE:1.8 true color, UART won't get the code to run on display

Can you take a picture to show the component's side of our module? or try other communication mode: I2C/SPI?

RE:1.8 true color, UART won't get the code to run on display

 Yeah, could use I2C/SPI. It would be very helpful if you could tell me what pins I should use. Cant find it in the code!

Picture of the component side:


Thanks //Rasmus

RE:1.8 true color, UART won't get the code to run on display

 The connections look correct, there is no reason it didn't work, but if the TXO wire is too long, interference will be injected, cut the wire <=20cm and try again. 

RE:1.8 true color, UART won't get the code to run on display

 Also, try to connect the TXO and RXI on your board together, and test the UART function, make sure the UART is work properly.

RE:1.8 true color, UART won't get the code to run on display



Got it to work with another sample code, I´ve figured that I bought a LCD intead of a OLED...... That could definitely be the problem right?? =)

The code I didnt got to work is the one from digole. Is it compatible with both LCD and OLED? anywho, it starts like this:



#ifndef DigoleSerialDisp_h


#define DigoleSerialDisp_h


#include <inttypes.h>


//#include "DigoleSerialDisp.h"


#include "Print.h"


#include "Wire.h"


#include "Arduino.h"


#import <Sound.h>



// Communication set up command


// Text function command


// Graph function command


#define Serial_UART 0


#define Serial_I2C 1


#define Serial_SPI 2


#define _TEXT_ 0


..and so on...

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