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Announcement: we launched new generation of serial display: Touch Screen+16M Flash

 We just done full test and put it on productions stage: the new generation of Digole Serial display, that include touchscreen and 16M Bit flash memory.

What difference between the new module with if I use the touch screen and flash memory myself:

1) For touch screen, Digole MCU will handle all touch screen functions, the module can digitalize the touch screen by itself, for user, you just send a command to get the postion if pen touched, the return values are the pixel position on the screen, if you found the value was error, send the calibration command.

2) It can monitor the battery voltage, the return value is as mv

3) For flash memory, You can erase the memory in bytes, not as sector (usually, the sector size is 4K bytes, if you want to erase a byte in the sector, whole 4K bytes will be erased either), write and read the data to and from the memory as bytes.

4) Powerful new functions: a)you can store and use your user fonts (u8glib) in flash memory now! just tell the module where is the font's address in flash! b)you also can run command sets in flash memory now. The command sets is the collection of which commands you want to run at once, so you can put most basic drawing in the command sets, run that when you need, a new drawing will be on your display, then do other rest of special drawing by yourself. This function give the low level of controller to achieve complicated task!

5) The number of user fonts and command sets are unlimited untill the 16M BIT memory fulled.

RE:Announcement: we launched new generation of serial display: Touch Screen+16M Flash

 I received my 2.4" touch display and started testing it with the sample code.  The documentation regarding storing commands in flash is awful.  The examples don't match the most recent libraries with duplicated code.  Using a protocol analyzer, I found in UART mode that flashWrite function hangs when waiting on a response from the display and the analyzer shows not response.  The flashRead() function also does not seem to work.  Either the display firmware is incorrect or documentation is not correct.  Can you please advise on these issues.

I love Digole products but it seems the library, the examples and possibly the firmware were not completed before releasing the display.

Solved:buyer tried the module without flash memory

RE:Announcement: we launched new generation of serial display: Touch Screen+16M Flash

Please check the resistor: R8, it supposed be 0, if it was 4.7K on board, make it short.
Please redownload the Documentation and sample code, the last updated date is Jun 19th.

Also note: the response from module on UART is at: CLK pin (TX from module)


RE:Announcement: we launched new generation of serial display: Touch Screen+16M Flash

 R8 is "000" and I have CLK connected to RX of my processor.  I have the latest June 19th code.  The touch screen example works unmodified.  However, the only way the flashWriteL() will work is if I remove the while(read() != 17) at the end of the function since nothing is being returned by the Digole display.  The flashReadStart() also does not work and the last part of the Font_Commandset_In_Flash.cpp example hangs waiting on a the Digole response.

RE:Announcement: we launched new generation of serial display: Touch Screen+16M Flash

Paul, I checked your order, the module you bought is 2.4" IPS with touch screen only, no flash memory, so, you can't use flash memory even you solder it on the board.

RE:Announcement: we launched new generation of serial display: Touch Screen+16M Flash

 Oh my, you are correct!  When I ordered the display, I thought the flash was no every board.  Now I understand!  I'll order a new display soon.  Thanks for your help :)

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