Thomas Baumann create a VB library for Digole serial module, here is the how toPosted at:2015-06-19 19:15:49 Edited at:2015-06-19 19:16:53
Thanks for the code contribution from Thomas Baumann
Usage example:
Dim display As Digole display = New Digole("COM12") display.SetBaudrate(115200) display.ClearScreen()
display.SetFont(10) display.SetTrueColor(Drawing.Color.Gray) display.SetTextPosAbs(4, 95) display.Print("Out: 50,001 Hz, 50 %") display.SetTextPosAbs(4, 105) display.Print("Tolerance: 0.01 %")
display.Dispose() Also I created routines which converts image files into the 256/64k/262k raw format the display needs.
Friend Sub ConvertImageTo256RAW(ByVal InImage As String, ByVal OutImage As String)
Const Mask As Byte = &HE0
Using inBmp As New Drawing.Bitmap(InImage) Using outBmp As New IO.FileStream(OutImage, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write)
For y As Integer = 0 To inBmp.Height - 1 For x As Integer = 0 To inBmp.Width - 1
Dim c As Drawing.Color = inBmp.GetPixel(x, y)
outBmp.WriteByte( _ (c.R And Mask) Or _ ((c.G And Mask) >> 3) Or _ (c.B >> 6) _ )
Next Next
End Using End Using
End Sub Friend Sub ConvertImageTo64kRAW(ByVal InImage As String, ByVal OutImage As String)
Const MaskRB As Byte = &HF8 Const MaskGh As Byte = &HE0 Const MaskGl As Byte = &H1C
Using inBmp As New Drawing.Bitmap(InImage) Using outBmp As New IO.FileStream(OutImage, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write)
For y As Integer = 0 To inBmp.Height - 1 For x As Integer = 0 To inBmp.Width - 1
Dim c As Drawing.Color = inBmp.GetPixel(x, y)
outBmp.WriteByte( _ (c.R And MaskRB) Or _ ((c.G And MaskGh) >> 5) _ ) outBmp.WriteByte( _ ((c.G And MaskGl) << 5) Or _ ((c.B And MaskRB) >> 3) _ )
Next Next
End Using End Using
End Sub Friend Sub ConvertImageTo262kRAW(ByVal InImage As String, ByVal OutImage As String)
Using inBmp As New Drawing.Bitmap(InImage) Using outBmp As New IO.FileStream(OutImage, IO.FileMode.Create, IO.FileAccess.Write)
For y As Integer = 0 To inBmp.Height - 1 For x As Integer = 0 To inBmp.Width - 1
Dim c As Drawing.Color = inBmp.GetPixel(x, y)
outBmp.WriteByte(c.R >> 2) outBmp.WriteByte(c.G >> 2) outBmp.WriteByte(c.B >> 2)
Next Next
End Using End Using
End Sub