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12864 OLED controlled using PIC12F675 (Bit-banged UART) (ASSEMBLY)


;UART Bit-Banging

;Programmer: Gregory Michalik



(Pastebin used for better formatting)


RE:12864 OLED controlled using PIC12F675 (Bit-banged UART) (ASSEMBLY)

 If anyone is interested in the rest of the program, let me know and I will post the rest. If you use it I would like credit given, thanks.

RE:12864 OLED controlled using PIC12F675 (Bit-banged UART) (ASSEMBLY)

 Thanks for your contribution.

You can make a link to your file if you want.



RE:12864 OLED controlled using PIC12F675 (Bit-banged UART) (ASSEMBLY)

The OLED commands are here (using pastebin now for better formatting)


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