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Forum : Digole Serial Display : 12864 LCD/OLED module :

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Display shows stripes, Display doesn't show every second line. Chrischi 2017-01-22 3 / 3734 2017-05-23 15:05:41 by Service
What is the type of OLED controller Kabron 2017-01-19 4 / 3612 2017-05-20 18:32:21 by Service
OLED12864 some letters not displaying neilo 2016-12-27 3 / 3544 2017-04-26 23:22:04 by Service
colour lcd 5volt line has 5k wave form on it herby 2016-04-13 1 / 3662 2016-08-11 11:10:56 by Service
1.3 OLED display error Kratzerchen 2015-07-01 0 / 3773
12864 OLED controlled using PIC12F675 (Bit-banged UART) (ASSEMBLY) DarkShow 2014-04-30 3 / 4497 2014-09-11 12:55:24 by DarkShow
12864 B/W StartScreen PNG Convertor (PHP) DarkShow 2014-04-30 1 / 4468 2014-08-28 12:46:28 by DarkShow
Module Initialize and draw Pixel Program for PIC18F26K20 Administrator 2014-01-01 0 / 4549
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