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No Visible Text for Teensy 3.2 I2C for RG1602A display and Adapter


I am testing out your device (RG1602A) 16x2 character lcd display using the "TextLCDAdapterDemo" demo code, but all I have gotten is a backlit display with no text.
Using 0x27 as i2c address because that's what came up on a scanner sketch in Arduino IDE.
Using pins 18 and 19 for sda and scl. Using the vin pin for power supply and the ground pin for the ground.

What steps may I have missed in setup? What steps can I take to troubleshoot?



RE:No Visible Text for Teensy 3.2 I2C for RG1602A display and Adapter

You should see information displayed on the LCD when power on, if not:

1) adjust the contrast pot on our adapter

2) check the pinout on the LCD that should match on the adapter IF you bought the adapter from us but the LCD from others

3) most charactor LCD use 5V, not 3.3V. Check the voltage of supplier

RE:No Visible Text for Teensy 3.2 I2C for RG1602A display and Adapter

I was able to have success with another library, but your tips I was using to troubleshoot beforehand, so they are good tips to use for other potential users.

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