In the manual I read: '#define _Screen_Over_511_ if using Arduino Library.'
I'm using the Arduino library <DigoleSerial.h>.
What is it for? I mean, I made a very basic sketch just to test fonts and geometries: without that define everything is correct, but when I add the define the display shows a mess; even the screen rotation does not do its work anymore.
So, should it be avoided?
Other question: about the text positioning:
both the 'Move current position(TPxy)' and 'Enhanced move current position(ETPxy)' reports the Arduino function: setPrintPos(x,y,0);
Since the same command can not do two different actions, I believe that the '0' inside the function call will enabel/disable the per pixel postion (0 or 1),, but which one of the two? (unfortunately I can not test them right now due to a PC problem).