Our Display Emulator can help user developing the interface quicker and eaiser
Feel free to play with this tool
Any comments or report bugs

When open the tool in browser, Click:  to select the proper Digole display module, then you see:

There are 4 areas at the top of page and 1 area at the bottom of page

  Switch the commands interface between "Detailed" and "Brief" mode, "Brief" mode is better for experienced user.

Area 1: Emulated screen area. The selected display module will emulated here, when the mouse move on this area, the coordinates of mouse on the display show up, these information can help user to put drawing at special position on the screen, also very useful when using touch screen functions

Area 2: Module config area. Config the display moudle, if flash chip installed, Check , if touch screen available, Check , if Design commands set, Check 

Area 3: Buttons and Coordinates area. when mouse out of emulated screen, a sets of buttons show up at this area, there are 6 buttons:
  Click this button save the current design to .txt file, this is text file special for this tool, default file name is "Digole_Emulate.txt" or Design Name.txt.

  Click this button to load your previous design that saved use first button.

  Click this button to run emulating of commands in area 4, a updated emulated screen show on area 1.

  Save all Comments or Commands and data in area 4 to a text file with C programming language format, user can copy commands string to production IDE, the data can be saved command by command, or combined all commands together, also can be saved as Decimal array or Hex format string.

  Save all Commands and data to a binary file, send this file to the display (usually via a USB->UART adapter) should get same result on the emulated screen (Except , commands set only can be run in MCU internal flash or flash chip properly). Default file name is: "Digole_design.bin" or Design Name.bin.

  Save you design to Arduino file named: "Digole_Emulator.ino" or Design Name.ino on your computer. This file can be compiled in Arduino IDE. The default setting of the code is for Arduino UNO, serial port is UART. Must install Digole Arduino library before compiling: Download lib here 

  Show this document on the browser.

Area 4: Commands area. Almost all commands list in the emulater. 

Except the commands itself, there are 3 additional area to help user recorgnize the commands, insert/append a command, delete a command:

  at the begin of each command, this red number indicate the sequance of this command.

  at the left-bottom of each command, click this symbol to insert/append a new command below.

  at the most right of each command, click this symbol to delete the command itself.

Two areas are always show up for all commands:

Comment: type your words here to explain this command doing, the contents of Comment not affect the result on the screen, comments also saved in "Dec Array" file, it help designer to embed the code to program.

Command: The commands available are vary depends on the config of display.

All other field are vary depends on each command.

Some commands need indicate the data length and data stream after it, now, this tool can load data from "Decimal comma" format .txt file or Binary file, tool can recorgnize file format and convert the file contents, it will fill the data length and data field automatically.

In all drawing image commands (1bit/8bit/16bit/24bit color format), load image file (.jpg .png .bmp .gif) from computer and convert that to Digole image format are allowed now. The tool also can fill the image width and height automatically. It will lock the size ratio when any of width or height field(s) empty, if both fileds pre-filled, the tool will unlock the image ratio.

 button is availale if this command accept data stream.

Area 5: User fonts area, it's at the bottom of the page, need use scroll bar down, copy new font data (format is Decimal seperated by comma, eg.: 1,2,3,0,255,40....), it's byte type value, data range 0~255, this tool can emulate 4 different user fonts, font's structure is u8g, there are lot of u8g fonts available: u8g font or if you need special symbol or fonts, you can use Digole online tool to build yourself.


Dec 2023----V6.6 Fixed some bugs in generating Arduino code.

Oct 2022----V6.0  Improved the Picture/Image process:can see the real looks picture instantly. Fixed some bugs. Also improved the interface

May 2021----V5.1. Add 3.5" and 4.3" high resolution screens, add function to adjust the screen size according to the browser's window.

Apr. 2021----V5.0. Add "Save Arduino Code" function. Change the text alignment based to "draw window" (it was based on "Current draw Position" before). Add "Design Name" field.

Jan. 11th 2019---V2.1, Fixed some bugs, redesgined interface, add more function to make it easy to use

Dec. 9th 2018---Launch V1.0 Beta, Main function tested